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What are bedbugs and how do we identify them ?

Bed bugs are certainly a nightmare. If you happen to encounter some of these tiny creatures, you will certainly have some itchy spots the next day.

Now, what are bedbugs and how do we identify them? Keep on reading to find out more information on these insidious little insects.


Why are there so many?

Bedbugs are small, brown and elusive. Usually, they are not bigger than an apple seed. It’s not easy to see them unless they bite you. These insects usually suck the blood of animals until they find some unsuspecting person to bite.

Fortunately, they cannot fly, though this does not make these bugs less annoying. They are incredibly quick when crawling over floors and beds of course.

In regards to their mating habits, females can lay a large number of eggs in very little time. These eggs are so small that it’s almost impossible for a person to see them.

Once they are born, nymphs develop very fast: in only a month they are ready to lay eggs themselves. This makes it even harder for us humans to get rid of these nuisance pests. The only good thing is that they do not transmit any known diseases.

Where can I find them?

Unfortunately, bed bugs can enter your home through;

  • your clothes,
  • suitcases,
  • and by other means.


They are so tiny that they can fit into virtually any space. Mattresses and bed frames are their favorite spots.

This way they can have easy access to people whom they can bite. If they are not eliminated in time, they can scatter all over the bedroom and the house.

Affordable Bed Bug Control Service in Kenya

What happens when they bite?

Their main period of activity is night time. They prefer their victims to be asleep, and they feed on them over a period ranging from 3 to 9 minutes.

Then, they go away without being noticed.

Their bites are not painful, which is nice considering that they are incredibly itchy. Almost 75% will develop a rash after being bitten, and 80% will have some kind of reaction.

All in all, what makes these pests so horrible is that they annoy us in the place where we should feel the most comfortable: our own beds.

We are completely defenseless when we rest. These bugs should have the decency to at least let us sleep unmolested.